Design Day 2021 Projects – Column View Feb 24, 2022 No Entries Found. Try another search: Submit Design Project (old version)Project InformationTeam NameProject Title*Primary WSE Program*Applied Mathematics and StatisticsBiomedical EngineeringCenter for Leadership EducationChemical and Biomolecular EngineeringCivil and Systems EngineeringComputer ScienceElectrical and Computer EngineeringEnvironmental Health and EngineeringMaterials Science and EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMultidisciplinary DesignCourse*Please select a course.Action Lab EN.660.347Advanced Design Team and Continuing Design Team ProjectsAdvanced ECE Engineering Team Project EN.520.453Advanced Multidisciplinary Design Projects EN.660.393Applications of Augmented Reality EN.601.453Biomaterials Senior Design II EN.510.439Bio-Photonics Lab EN.520.483BME Undergraduate Design TeamCBID Masters Medical Device InnovationCBID Masters Global Health InnovationChemBE Product Design EN.540.314Civil Engineering Design II EN.560.452Computer Science Entrepreneurship & Innovation II EN.601.411Computer Science Innovation and Entrepreneurship I EN.660.410ECE Group Undergraduate Research EN.520.516ECE Undergraduate Independent Study EN.520.504Electronics Design Lab EN.520.448Environmental Engineering Design II EN.570.421Independent DesignIntroduction To VLSI EN.520.216Leadership Studies Capstone EN.660.470Leading Innovation Design Team EN.520.463Light Image and Vision EN.520.150Machine Intelligence on Embedded Systems EN.520.440Mechanical Engineering Senior Design II EN.530.404MechE Senior Design Project II EN.530.404MSE Design Team II EN.510.446MSE Design Team Lead II EN.510.448Multidisciplinary Engineering Design 1 EN.660.345Multidisciplinary Engineering Design 2 EN. 660.346Nanomaterials Senior Design II EN.510.441Neuro Data DesignPrecision Care MedicineProcess Design with Aspen EN.540.315Product Design Part 1 EN.540.309Product Design Part II EN.540.310Rehabilitation EngineeringSenior Design II EN.510.434Senior Design Project EN.520.498Strategy Consulting EN.660.419OtherProject Description (150 words or less)*Project PhotoUploadChoose FileMaximum file size: 516MBFile resolution must be 1080 x 720 pixels.Describe your project photo (50 words or less)Team MembersAdd the full names of all members of your team in the fields below. You may optionally add a link to a professional bio as well (e.g., Linkedin).Full Name*Link to Professional Bio🔗 plus1 Add Anotherminus1 Remove Course FacultyAdd the full names of all course faculty in the fields below. You may optionally add a link to a professional bio as well (e.g., Linkedin).Full NameLink to Professional Bio🔗 plus1 Add Anotherminus1 Remove Project Mentor(s) and Partner(s)Add the full names of all project mentors and partners in the fields below. You may optionally add a link to a professional bio as well (e.g., Linkedin).Full NameLink to Professional Bio🔗 plus1 Add Anotherminus1 Remove Project DeliverablesNotice of Public Disclosure* I will not submit anything to this website that is protected information or is the intellectual property of JHU. I understand that the information, images, attachments, and links in this form will be available to the public.Add YouTube Link to Project Video🔗Brief Summary of Project Video (150 words or less)Video Captioning* I confirm that I have requested and reviewed closed captioning for this YouTube videoIf you choose to submit a project poster, an image (PNG format) and a PDF version must both be uploaded. The poster PNG should be a minimum of 3000 pixels wide. The PDF should be exported from the original source file (e.g. Powerpoint), not from an image.Upload Final Project Poster (PNG)UploadChoose FileMaximum file size: 516MBMust be in PNG format, minimum width 3000 pixels.Upload Final Project Poster (PDF)UploadChoose FileMaximum file size: 516MBMust be in PDF format.Brief Summary of Project Poster (150 words or less)Upload Final Project WhitepaperUploadChoose FileMaximum file size: 516MBMust be in PDF format.Brief Summary of Project Whitepaper (150 words or less)Additional InfoVisualTextIf you are human, leave this field blank.Submit Project